To reiterate entirely far too much about the already apparent meaning behind the picture and the name of the blog, I found this picture, for free, on the world wide inter-webs and thought that it was appropriate. This picture shows the exact point in which two tracks are converging onto one, much like two ideas coming together, or parts of ideas coming together forming, in a way, a new idea. This is in a way the reason I love the idea of a metaphor. I wanted to bring in Robert Frost, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood / And sorry I could not travel both / And be one traveler" yada yada yada to sound smart but the themes don't really match.
So instead I wrote my own imitation of "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
Two tracks converged by an open field
And happy to hold hands and hug the other
To learn more about my one self. For a moment
I stood and turned my gaze to what my back knows
And then turned again to see how far the track goes.
I resolved to think that each track its own
Was just as important alone; both, worn
And full of knowledge, now came together
Into something new, shinier, and waiting
To be used and worn in.
I doubted if I should ever come back,
And knowing how way leads on to way,
I marked this day in my mind as special,
But knowing also that the future again
Shall converge, looked forward to something again special.
I shall be telling this with happiness,
And possibly a tinge of love, for the future
Beyond all life, tracks came together,
And came together again and again,
And continues to make all the difference.
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